Denzel Washington, Eve Mendes, Sanaa Lathan, Dean Cain, Robert Baker and John Billinsley

Carl Franklin

Running Time:
114 mins

Out to buy on DVD 10/05/04

"Alibi?" "At home, by myself"

Chae to Chief Matt Whitlock

Finding out that his lover Ann (Lathan) has terminal cancer, small town police chief Matt Whitlock (Washington) decides to help her by stealing nearly $500,000 of drug money from the evidence locker to fund experimental surgery. After giving her the money he waits back at his house for her to return with her bags packed, ready to leave the country when he receives a phone call that Ann's house has burnt to the ground and her and her husband Chris (Cain) are dead. With all the clues pointing to him, Matt is running out of time to clear his name and find out what is really going on.

When ever you see Denzel Washington's name attached to a movie you can guarantee you are going to get a great performance and Out of Time is no exception to that rule. It is just a shame that the screenwriters have not provided him with anything original to do.

The movie is a predictable, run-of-the-mill thriller that takes us nowhere new but is saved by some engaging performances. Washington is on top of his game as Chief Whitlock. This everyman character is easy to connect with and Denzel's performance draws you into his plight creating a good level of tension as the events unfold. Eva Mendez continues to make a name for herself as a beautiful lead actress that has the talent as well as the looks. This is a good role for her and she really bounces off Washington whenever they share the screen. Sanaa Lathan is also good as Ann in what could be a breakout part after many small, support roles.

The support is also good. Dean Cain shows that there is more to him than his Superman TV role by taking on a gritty, bad guy. Anyone who has seen TV's Star Trek Enterprise will know that John Billinsley is a fine actor and he injects some comedy into the tension. He has most of the best lines and steals the limelight every time he graces the screen.

The main problem with the movie is the lack of motive explanation. While it is assumed that greed is the motivating factor for the set up, it is never explained why Chief Whitlock was the target of revenge. Even in the final revelations, the truth behind the plot is not revealed which is a very frustrating factor that is all too common in modern thrillers. Greed is the easy option but $500,000 isn't that great an amount to ruin someone's life over.

Out of Time is saved by a good cast putting in some good performances. The twisty-turny plot slightly keeps you guessing until the big reveal and the sugary Hollywood ending but you are left with the feeling that you've just watched nothing new, even though it is enjoyable all the same.


Presented in 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen with a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, the transfer is very good, as you'd expect from a modern film. The picture quality is very good, capturing the tropical colour of South Florida superbly. The soundtrack is also first rate, really emphasising the dialogue which is needed in a thriller like this.


Audio Commentary by director Carl Franklin
The director talks about every facet Out of Time, from the locations to the music. He discusses developing the characters with writer Dave Collard and the cast and the joy of working with his leads actors. He also reveals how he likes to use his friends and family's names in the production whenever a name is needed. He also likes to use them in bit parts and as extras. This is an informative commentary but it would have benefited from another contributor, such as the writer or a cast member, as he does go quiet a few times.

Out of Time: Crime Scene (12.17 mins)
Director Carl Franklin, writer Dave Collard, producer Jesse B Franklin and the cast talk about bringing the thriller to the silver screen. With behind the scenes footage from the Florida shoot and insights from the cast and crew about working with Carl Franklin and Denzel Washington, this is your usual pat on the back type of featurette but still quite entertaining.

Character Profiles (6.17 mins)
Text and video information about Matt Lee Whitlock (Denzel Washington), Alex Diaz Whitlock (Eva Mendez), Ann Merai Harrison (Sanaa Lathan), Chris Harrison (Dean Cain) and Chae (John Billinsley).

Outtakes (0.56 mins)
Two outtakes featuring Denzel Washington, Dean Cain and Sanaa Lathan.

Screen Tests (10.40 mins)
Watch the screen test of Dean Cain and Sanaa Lathan as they act out key scenes for their prospective characters.

Image Gallery (2.38 mins)
Watch a video montage of promotional and behind the scenes images from the movie.

Theatrical Trailer (1.50 mins)
View the final full theatrical trailer for the film.


This entertaining thriller receives a high-quality transfer onto DVD. The extras are good and informative for fans of the film. The inclusion of a commentary track and the screen tests of stars Dean Cain and Sanaa Lathan give you an insight into the film making process.



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