Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello, Sam Elliott, Katie Holmes, Rob Lowe, William H. Macy, Adam Brody, David Koechner and Robert Duvall

Jason Reitman

Running Time:
92 mins

Out to buy on DVD 08/01/07


"Why would the Tobacco industry want this young man to die? We want him to live and keep buying cigarettes"

Nick Naylor (Eckhart) is a lobbyist for the tobacco industry. He is the face of cigarettes on television and one of the most reviled men in America but he loves his job. Senator Finistirre (William H. Macy) has big tobacco in his sights however, and Nick is the man he wants to appear before a senate committee, as he pushes for new labelling on cigarette packaging. This doesn't faze Nick however, in fact he is looking forward to it.

Satirical comedies can be very hit and miss but once in a while a movie comes along that hits the mark and instantly becomes a classic.

'Thank You For Smoking' is one of those movies. Jason Reitman, the son of 'Ghostbusters' director Ivan Reitman, is at the helm and writes this look at spin-doctors, big business and the US Government and he creates a movie that will inform and entertain you at the same time. Taking place in modern America with invented conglomerates and societies, the young writer/director introduces us to the M.O.D. (Merchants Of Death) Squad, lobbyists and masters of spin for Alcohol, Firearms and most importantly Tobacco. These are the men and women who are the public face of the companies that account for over half a million American deaths a year, allegedly.

By far the best of the three is Nick Naylor and he has to be because he represents the biggest killer of the three, big tobacco. With the US Senate gunning for him, public opinion been swayed towards the negative because of the health risks and the media also pushing for a complete ban, Nick has his work cut out for him but he is truly gifted with it comes to pushing the positives of the cigarette industry. Charismatic and brimming with confidence, Nick can put a positive spin on anything, even a fifteen-year-old boy dying of lung cancer but now he is facing his biggest challenge and it isn't the fact that Senator Finistirre is gunning for him personally, it is making sure that his son still sees him as a positive role model.

Bringing Nick Naylor to life is a career defining performance from Aaron Eckhart. While showing his potential in the 1997 movie 'In the Company of Men', he has graced many a commercial Hollywood film but with this role he gets to return to the character driven comedy genre that got him noticed in the first place. Nick Naylor is a character that you really shouldn't like because his job is almost deplorable and his reason for doing it is just as bad but his pure charisma and charm make him almost infectious. He is the main protagonist and is almost in every scene as well as narrating the story but a lesser actor could not have pulled off this role with the same skill and passion.

His supporting cast is also exceptional. Maria Bello and David Koechner are very funny as fellow M.O.D. Squad members Polly Bailey, the Alcohol lobbyist and Bobby Jay Bliss, the spin-doctor for the Firearms industry. J.K. Simmons is hysterical as big Tobacco's second in command BR and Robert Duvall is on his usual first class form as the big man of Tobacco, the Captain. Cameron Bright is actually watchable for the first time of his career as Nick's son Joey. Rob Lowe plays his best role in years as Hollywood super agent Jeff Megall and 'The O.C.'s Adam Brody is hilarious as his assistant Jack. Kate Holmes goes completely against type as super bitch reporter Heather Holloway. William H. Macy oozes class as anti-tobacco activist Senator Finistirre and Sam Elliot is the very bitter symbol for the industry, the original Marlboro Man.

'Thank You for Smoking' is satirical comedy at its most intelligent and funny. Poking fun at not just at the cigarette industry but at big business, Hollywood, the political correctness of the US government and the slow removal of everyone civil liberties. Brilliant and extremely funny, this is a movie that will have you laughing out loud and thinking at the same time.


Presented in Widescreen 2.35:1 Anamorphic with a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, the transfer is good, highlighting the visual style of the movie.


Commentary by director Jason Reitman and actor Aaron Eckhart and David Koechner
This chatty and fun commentary track with the trio telling many behind the scenes stories from the production of 'Thank You For Smoking'. David Koechner is hilarious throughout and it shows that Jason Reitman is a director worth looking out for.

Deleted Scenes with optional commentary by director Jason Reitman (14.34 mins)
Entitled 'Opening titles rough draft', 'Some syrup for the Missus', 'Cigarette slap', 'Smoking is right', 'Death threats', 'In fight safety video', 'Heather slips the script', 'Thank you for being his father', 'Joan Lunden original cut', 'disgruntled postman', 'Nick passes out' and 'Father and son montage', these deleted scenes are accompanied by commentary by the director.

Unfiltered Comedy: The Making of Thank You For Smoking (8.55 mins)
Director Jason Reitman and stars Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello, William H. Macy and David Koechner talk about getting involved with 'Thank You For Smoking'. The group talk about their roles in the movie and the theme of the script, discussing spin and freedom of speech.

America: Living in Spin (4.56 mins)
Director Jason Reitman and stars Aaron Eckhart, Maria Bello, William H. Macy, Dennis Miller, Rob Lowe and David Koechner talk about what the film is about and how spin rules politics and our lives.

Poster Art Gallery
View posters for the movie and those used within the film

Art Department Gallery
View the designs for the Academy of Tobacco Studies and much more

Storyboard Gallery
View key storyboards from the film's production

Previews of 'Behind Enemy Lines 2: Axis of Evil', 'Severance', 'Little Miss Sunshine', 'The Queen' and 'Harsh Times'


The DVD package for 'Thank You For Smoking' is a little bit of a mixed bag. The commentary track and the deleted scenes are very good and well worth a watch and a listen but the featurettes are a little too average to make them more than just a single, quick watch. There is still much to enjoy here however.


In the Company of Men

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