Liam Neeson, Laura Linney, Peter Sarsgaard, Chris O'Donnell, Timothy Hutton, John Lithgow, Tim Curry, Oliver Platt, Dylan Baker and William Sadler

Bill Condon

Running Time:
118 mins


"Let's talk about sex"

Know for his extremely detailed research techniques Professor Alfred Kinsey (Neeson) saw an opportunity to study the one subject that had never been properly researched, human sexuality. The problem was that in the 1940s this was a subject that polite society just didn't talk about but as he started his research he realised that sexual behaviour was completely different for everyone and his findings had to be published.

In the 1940s, Alfred Kinsey research into sexual behaviour was extremely controversial but are his findings and methods still enough to raise a few eyebrows in the more liberal new millennium?

While extreme violence, bad language and racist behaviour have lost most of their taboos on the silver screen, sex is still a controversial subject even now. People's attitude to viewing the most basic of human behaviours at the cinema still causes sensationalism in the media and communities. In the 1940s Alfred Kinsey tried to change people's feeling about sex by for the first time, allowing people to understand it but even now, the notion of talking frankly about the subject is contentious issue.

A pioneer in the field, Professor Alfred Kinsey brought sexual education out of the dark ages. His 1948 publication "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was a best seller and opened the way for advanced research into the most taboo subject of the time. This film charts the life of the Professor from his religious upbringing by a domineering father, through the development of intensive research techniques, the publishing of his book and his own sexual awakening. We meet the people that defined his life and work and are exposed to his drive for knowledge that made the man such a pioneer in the field.

Bringing this fascinating figure to life is writer/director Bill Condon. No stranger to the biopic and helming the James Whale inspired picture 'Gods and Monster', Condon takes on the task of chronicling most of Kinsey's life as he tries to portray his drive and passion for a subject that consumed most of his later life. The writer/director achieves this with some decorum. What could have easily have turned into a banner flick for the conservative, moral high ground, is approached in a way that doesn't exploit the subject for exhibitionism or to gain notoriety but show the man as the true pioneer he actually was. Kinsey broke down many barriers in research, sexual acceptance and understanding and Condon focuses on this instead of the more notorious aspects of the subject matter.

Bringing Alfred Kinsey to life is the always excellent Liam Neeson. The man is an expert at portraying real life characters with gusto and professionalism. He really emerges himself in the character, taking the man through his early life as a biology researcher, through to his final days when illness threatened to end his work before he could complete it. This is a commanding performance from the actor, proving again that he is one of the greats of his generation. The same can be said about Laura Linney. An excellent character actress, Linney makes Kinsey's wife Clara 'Mac' McMillen totally believable. An avid supporter and contributor to Kinsey work, Mac was the professor's rock who stuck by him, however the work affected him and their relationship. Linney is an expert at bringing characters like this to life, showcasing her brilliant acting abilities.

Condon has gathered together an impressive supporting cast to accompany the leading two actors. Peter Sarsgaard continues to mark himself out as a character actor to watch. In another fine performance as Kinsey's friend, assistant and lover Clyde Martin, he displays all the maturity and skill needed for a demanding role like this. Chris O'Donnell finally gets a decent role as researcher Wardell Pomeroy and the same can be said for Timothy Hutton as Paul Gebhard. There are also some standout performances from John Lithgow as Kinsey's father, Oliver Platt as Dean Herman Wells, Tim Curry as Thurman Rice and a disturbing performance William Sadler as Kenneth Braun.

'Kinsey' is a fascinating insight into a true pioneer. Without Kinsey contribution to the world we could have still been in the dark ages were sex is concerned, so this is a story that needed to be told. With excellent performances throughout and Condon's eye for the visual, character development and skill with the script, he makes the subject one that you can't help but been intrigued by.


Presented in Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 with Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound, the movie is presented well.


Deleted Scenes (23.49 mins)
Entitled 'Sex History Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7', 'Chemistry & Cooking', 'Miner's Lettuce', 'Dinner with Kinsey's', 'Need for a sex course', 'Rice complains to Wells', 'Giving up the marriage course', 'Training the team', 'Astounding', 'Speaking in code', 'Braun phone call', 'Huntington Hartford/New York Times' and 'Original ending', these deleted or extended scenes have optional commentary by writer/director Bill Condon.

Commentary with writer/director Bill Condon
In a change from the usual commentary track approach, Bill Condon basically talks for the entire length of the film, telling you the story of how the movie was made. Revealing facts about the evolution of the script, the amount of research he had to do and his approach to the biopic, the writer/director talks passionately about the Kinsey and the movie. This is a good listen and a change from the usual slapping on the back and far too positive tracks that grace many a DVD.

Gag Reel (2.51 mins)
Here you can see that even the most accomplished actors can make a hash of their lines every now and again.

Inside Look
A behind the scenes look at 'Kingdom of Heaven' and 'Sideways'.

Previews of 'Kingdom of Heaven', 'Melinda & Melinda', 'The Chorus' and 'Fantastic 4'


Fox have done another good job with the DVD release of 'Kinsey'. Bill Condon's commentary track is very good, as is the deleted scenes but a few interviews with the cast wouldn't have gone a miss. Fans will be pleased with the DVD package however.


Gods and Monsters

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