Billy Connolly
Judy Davis
Colin Friels
Wendy Hughes
Billie Brown
Emily Browning
and John Howard

Mark Joffe

Running Time:
102 mins

Out to buy on DVD 1st December

Steve Myers (Connolly) enjoyed his life. Giving up the law to become a fisherman off the coast of Australia, living near his daughter Rebecca (Browning) and hanging out with his dog Arthur, he couldn't think of anything better. This all changed when his beloved fishing boat was destroyed after been hit by lightening. When his insurance company refused to pay up, saying it was an act of God, Steve decides to take desperate measures and sue God's representatives, the church and all other associated faiths.

Firing a comedic blow at both the insurance industry and organised religion, The Man who sued God has a very good underlining message about today's money led society.

Asking a very relevant question about the how insurance companies use the "Act of God" clause in many claims in a world of increasing environmental property damage and suffering, this movie successfully combines comedy and a social issue. This is all due to the talents of Billy Connolly. Long regarded as one of the best comedians in the world, people sometimes forget his is also a very good actor. In both comedic and straight roles (Mrs. Brown for example), Billy grabs your attention from the start and doesn't let go. The man is electrifyingly funny, combining physical and verbal comedy with ease but also combining this with moments of passion, drama and regret.

He is supported well by Judy Davis as reporter Anna Redmond, Wendy Hughes as his ex-wife, Colin Friels as his reluctant brother and Emily Browning as his daughter Rebecca. Billie Brown also produces a great turn as sly lawyer Gerry Ryan.

Where the movie triumphs is in its interesting premise. The notion of suing God or his representatives for an act that the insurance firms say he has committed is fascinating. While Steve is not suing God directly, he is suing the idea that his name and power is been used as a loophole to not pay claims. The fact that he lawyers would have to prove the non-existence of God for them to win the case is also intriguing.

The Man who sued God, is a pleasant and funny movie that has a strong message. While is might have a slightly too happy ending with religious overtones, it is made all the more watchable by Billy Connelly's wonderful performance. Now lets have a read of the small print on my insurance documents.


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