Starring: Russell Crowe, Meg Ryan, David Morse and David Caruso

Director: Taylor Hackford

Running time: 135mins

Available to Rent on Video or Buy on DVD

When hostage negotiator Terry Thorne (Crowe) is sent to the South American country of Tacala, to oversee the situation evolving the kidnap of engineer Peter Bowman (Morse) by local Rebels, he finds himself getting more and more emotionally involved with situation and Bowman's wife, Alice (Ryan).

Man of the moment Russell Crowe can do no wrong. He turns what is just a run of the mill hostage thriller into something very watchable. Both he and Meg Ryan evoke tension and genuine feeling into what is a lacklustre script. While slightly overlong, it does keep your attention, due to the chemistry of the main characters and makes the movie well worth a look.

Theatrical Trailer, Behind-the-Scenes Documentary: "The Making of Proof of Life" & Feature-Length Commentary by Director Taylor Hackford

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