Starring: Bill Murray and the vocal talents of Chris Rock, David Hyde Pierce and Laurence Fishburne

Directors: Piet Kroon, Tom Sito, Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly

Running Time: 98 mins

Certificate: PG

Frank (Murray) is a slob. He eats all the wrong foods, never exercises and is a heart attack waiting to happen. While working in the Zoo, he eats an egg for his lunch after its been on the floor and in a Chimp's mouth, allowing a deadly virus call Thrax (Fishburne) to enter his body. It is now up to Cold capsule Drix (Hyde Pierce) and white blood cell police officer Osmosis Jones (Rock) to save Frank from the deadly disease.

Coming from the Farrelly Brother's who are more famous for their gross-out comedies such as Dumb and Dumber and There's something about Mary, this is a true turn around for them, they have made a really good kids movie.

Mixing animation and live action, showing the real world and the cartoon interior of Frank's body, this is an extremely witty and beautifully animated movie. The only thing that lets it down is when it switches to live action. All the best lines and gags seem to have gone into the animated part with the live action sections looking like an afterthought. The sheer comic talents of Bill Murray are completely wasted and it feels like he is on autopilot. That aside, the animated sections are superb, with a menacing villain in Fishburne's Thrax character and a very likable turn from Chris Rock as the lead, which makes a change. It is David Hyde Pierce's Drix that steals the show however, having all the best lines and delivering them in his own unique deadpan style.

It is such a shame that this movie didn't do better at the US box office, as it is one of the rarities, a movie everyone of any age can enjoy.


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