Starring: Winona Ryder, Ben Chaplin and John Hurt

Director: Janusz Kaminski

Running time: 90mins

Maya Larkin (Ryder), once possessed by demon, now assists an obscure section of the Catholic Church perform exorcisms. While Father Lareaux (Hurt) is exorcising a demon from a convicted serial killer, Maya discovers notes pertaining to the coming of the Anti-Christ and who he is. Mild mannered sceptic Peter Kelson (Chaplin) is that man, and Maya has to convince him of the fact.

Shot in the same grainy, bleached style of Se7en, this movie tends to spend more time trying to look good instead of giving any time to its content. The story, while starting off well, lacks the horror of similar themed movies, such as The Omen and The Exorcist, or a grandiose ending, as in The Devil's advocate. Winona Ryder and Ben Chaplin are as watchable as ever, but they have little to work with. Hopefully this will be the end of Hollywood obsession with the Devil and the occult, until the Exorcist prequel comes out that is.

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