Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Starring: Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen

Director: Ang Lee

Running Time: 115 mins

Available to Rent on Video or Buy on DVD

Wudan master Li Mu Bai (Yun-fat) has decided to forgo his days as a warrior and concentrate on spiritual enlightenment and teaching for the rest of his days. In doing this, he gives his sword, the mythical Green Destiny, to the Peking monks at the grand place. Entrusting his life long friend and fellow warrior Yu Shu Lien (Yeoh) with the duty of delivering the sword, it is stolen on the first night in its new abode by a skilled masked thief, who is seen feeling towards the aristocratic home of the Governor Yu. Suspicions are raised as the Governor’s daughter Jen (Ziyi) had shown an interest in the sword earlier in the day. So Li Mu Bai and Yu Shu Lien join forces one more time to try and recover the sword and restore harmony to the palace.

Based on the mythical warriors of the Wudan and the classic Chinese novel of the same name, director Ang Lee has produced a martial arts epic on a grandiose scale. A story that deals with honour, passion, undisciplined skill and love that cannot be, has never been told with such zeal and jaw dropping splendour. Legendary choreographer Yuen Wo Peng, who also did The Matrix, invents some truly astounding martial arts sequences that will live in the memory for weeks. It is the combination of the whole; great story, impassioned acting performance, astonishing cinematography, and a director who has now proved he can handle almost any kind of movie with a sense of style and splendour, that makes this film deserve its nine Oscar nominations. So put your opinions of subtitled films to one side and see, what could be, one of the best movies of 2001.

'Unleashing the Dragons' - Making Of Documentary, Interview With Michelle Yeoh, Feature Length Commentary by Ang Lee and James Schamus (Producer) .Photo Gallery , Web-link , Talent Files & Domestic And International Trailers

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