All the Pretty Horses

Starring: Matt Damon, Henry Thomas, Lucas Black, Penelope Cruz and Robert Patrick

Director: Billy Bob Thornton

Running time: 117mins

John Grady Cole (Damon), is a man of simple pleasures, he could quite work on a cattle farm for the rest of his days. When his Father dies, and his mother sells the family farm, Cole and his best friend Lacey Rawlins (Thomas) head to Mexico to find work on the huge cattle ranches. All the way they meet Belvins (Black) a young runaway on what looks like a stolen horse. Reluctantly the two agree to let him tag along, a decision they will come to regret.

Cormac McCarthy's prize winning novel is beautifully bought to the screen by director Billy Bob Thornton, in one of the best looking movies I have seen in a long time. The scenery is spectacular and the whole movie has a classic look about it, buts looks do not a movie make. The story itself never really goes anywhere and you have no affinity with any of the characters, as they are so under developed. This is a shame, as Thornton does his best with what he has got to work with, which in the end is nothing much.

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