O Brother, where art thou?

Starring: George Clooney, Tim Blake Nelson and John Turturro

Director: Joel Coen

Running Time: 103

Available on DVD and Video

When Everett (George Clooney), Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) and Pete (John Turturro) escape from a chain gang, they go in search of the 1.2 million dollars stolen by Everett in an armoured car raid. What they face on their journey however, is a multitude of perplexing situations that takes them from music stars to been wanted by the Klan.

The Coen brothers return with the almost perfect feel good movie. Based on Homer's Odyssey, our three heroes are attacked by the Cyclopes (John Goodman) and seduced by the sirens in this classic musical retelling of the Greek legends. Brilliant performances by the three main actors bring warmth and feel good factor that seems to be very seldom these days. This is a truly great movie and I defy anyone not to enjoy it. In the words of Empire "I wish all movies where made by the Coen brothers".

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