
Starring: John C. Reilly,Tom Cruise, Julianne Moore, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jason Robards, William H Macy, Melora Walters, Jeremy Blackman

Writer/Director: P. T. Anderson

Running Time: 185 mins

Available to buy on DVD and Video

24 hours in the lives of Earl Partridge (Robards), Quiz show host Jimmy Gator (Hall), who are both dying of cancer, Earl's wife Linda (Moore) who can't cope, Earl's nurse (Seymour Hoffman) who sets out to track down his employer's son, Frank T J Mackey (Cruise) who makes a living running self-help seminars to turn men into sexual predators. Jimmy can't concentrate on his last show, thinking about his coke-addicted daughter Claudia (Walters), who is been questioned and chatted up by lonely cop Jim Kurring (Reilly). In the Quiz, young whiz kid Stanley (Blackman) can't take the pressure any more, who is been watched by Donnie (Macy) who was in the same position 20 years before and who's adult life has been nothing but a disappointment.

Paul Thomas Anderson's new opus, after Boogie Nights is a combination of about seven individual stories, which are all, connected in some way. In essence it is a combined story of love, hate, greed, loneliness, redemption, fear, longing and hope told from the views of a collection of ordinary people living their lives. Yes, at 3hrs it is over long but you want to know what happens to these people, enough to make it worth it. Great sound track and a visual treat this, while owing alot to Robert Altman is an intriguing movie that captivates you and leaves you thinking about the state of your own life.

Tom Cruise / Frank Mackie Seminar, Teaser Trailer, Domestic Trailer, 9 TV Spots, Aimee Mann Music Video - 'Save Me', Frank Mackie 'Seduce & Destroy' Infomercial, 75 minute 'Magnolia Diary' Feature, Interactive Menu & Scene Access

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